Women Committee

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About Women's Committee in the Constituition

a) There shall be constituted a Women’s Affairs Committee in the Union, which shall deal with all women’s activities whose chairperson and secretary shall sit on the National Executive Board
b) All women in the branches shall be automatically members of the women’s Affairs Committees.
c) In additional to the general aims and objectives of the union the Women’s Affairs Committee shall have the following duties:

  • To organise, educate and unionise all working women and mobilise and coordinate trade union structures towards promotion of interests of women workers.
  • To encourage and promote self-reliance for women workers.
  • To work for the total eradication of discrimination against women and for the full realisation of rights for working women
  • To provide and facilitate a channel of communication between the union and women committees in all branches
  • Generally take all such other tasks as are necessary for the advancement of the rights of women as approved by the executive board.

d) The operations and activities of the women committee will be financed by 10% of the union subscriptions.

  • e) The structure and composition of the Women’s Affairs Executive Committee shall be as follows:
  1. The Chairperson
  2. The Vice Chairperson
  3. The Secretary
  4. The Vice Secretary

*****women rep moved to be elected at congress to boast number of women*****

  1. f) The Women’s Affairs Committee shall meet not less than twice a year.
  1. g) The Secretary of the Women’s Affairs committee shall convene the meeting of the Women’s Affairs Committee or by the executive board upon written request of half of the members of the women affairs committee.
  2. h) Decision in the Women’s Affairs Committee shall be by a simple majority of the members in session.
  3. i) The quorum of the Women’s Affairs Committee shall be half of its total membership.
  1. i) Officers of the Women’s Affairs Committee shall hold office for four years and shall be eligible for re-election. There shall be no third term on the same position.
  1. k) The Congress of the Women’s Affairs Committee shall be held one day prior to the National Quadrennial Congress.
  1. l) Delegates shall be composed of women delegates to the quadrennial congress and any women’s affair committee member not included on the delegation.
  1. m) The Conference shall elect from amongst the delegates officer of the Women’s Affairs Committee and this committee shall be endorsed by quadrennial congress.
  2. n) The standing committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and vice Secretary.
  3. o) Standing Committee shall handle decisions on urgent matters between the regularly scheduled meetings.
  1. p) The Secretary is responsible for directly contacting the members of the standing committee for consultations on the decisions to be taken. The secretary shall communicate to all members of the committee the final decisions of its meetings and those of the executive board
  1. q) All decisions taken by standing committee shall be communicated to the rest of the members at the next regular scheduled meeting.

Janet Kamowa Masiku


Agatha Charity Nsopela

Vice Chairperson

Alice Dzimau


Judith Luwayo

Vice Secretary

Thokozani Lifeyo

Regional Rep. South

Ethel sphiwe Jere

Regional Rep. Centre

Falesi mhango

Regional Rep. North

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