Hotels Union develop a new strategic plan

Hotel Food Processing and Catering Worker Union hold a workshop to develop a Strategic Plan for 4 years

Hotel Food Processing and Catering Workers Union held a two days’ workshop at Thope Lodge in Mponela from 29th April to 30th April 2023

Opening the workshop was the President of Hotel Food Processing and Catering Workers Union. The president called upon the participant to take the workshop seriously as the union currently does not have a strategic plan. He said a strategic plan is a very important document as it helps the union to develop ways how best it can position itself on servicing its members.

The workshop was facilitated by Dr Henry Chingaipe.  Dr Chingaipe told the participants that this is a workshop and not a Seminar. He called upon the participants to contribute as garbage in is garbage out,

The workshop was attended by 14 participant reflecting all levels of the union. There were representations from ordinary members, representatives of the youth, secretariat, the representative of the women’s committee and the executive.

The last strategic plan of the union was developed in 2016 and expired in 2020. Since then the union had no strategic plan.

Zione Pakulamtanda Nyirenda, the projects office said she was happy that a strategic plan will be developed. This will make her able to evaluate the progress of the union and enable her to write proposals to support some of the activities in the report. She said she will approach donors if they could fund the union to accomplish MGD 8 on decent work.

The workshop was closed by the president who thanked Dr Chingaipe and all participants for being active during the workshop.

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